Sunday 25 February 2007

Photography and Me!!!!!

So......I've been thinking a lot about my photography future lately! i've always thought about it but more in the sense of what my next project is gonna be on, (oh and who's photo board is next on the list, crocker i will get to it i promise) but I guess now because my degree is coming to an end I have started to think about it more in the sense of what the heck am I gonna do with my degree. Also there is a huge! part of me that is thinking am I actually good enough to make a career out of it! On some occasions I find myself tense up when people ask me to help them with photography things because I get scared that I am going to do something wrong.

I remember a year ago someone asked me to play a VERY small role in taking photos for a wedding and they asked a bunch of people not just me and I got so scared that my photos would be the only ones to muck up or be rubbish that i made some lame excuse to get out of doing it! Things like this just make me wonder how my future in photography is ever gonna happen, and it scares me. I guess I have started to realise is that I care a lot more about photography and suceeding in it than i thought i did, Photography has really been the only thing that I have managed to pass at! he he he! I was never the brightest person at school and when I got into uni i was seriously suprised! I guess these feelings of being scared to take photos for others is the fear of maybe failing and the one thing i have always passed at! but thats not the way I should be thinking! because if I dont take a step out and photograph for others I will never get a chance to pass at it! and I will never be able to call myself a photographer. I guess its just gonna take time for me to grasp the confidence! small baby steps I say!

Anyhoo thats my thoughts for the day! best go to bed!
night allXXX

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