Monday 19 October 2009

Dumela! O Kae?

So I thought I would share with you what I can say in Sesotho.....

Dumela - Hello

O Kae - How are you?

Ketang - I'm Good

Keleboha - Thank You

Salahantle - Goodbye

Ke Kopa - Please

Ke - I

Ee - Yes

A E - No

Ko Ko - Knock Knock (Love that one!)

Are you impressed? Ha!

So I've had another lovely week here, I love this place the people are great, the church is brilliant and I still can't get over the amazing views....... and the stars!!!! man they are beautiful!

I did 'People of Hope' this week which went well however its difficult and can make you quite emotionally drained but it has been good for me to go and the ladies are so lovely - they're the ones teaching me Sesotho! Every morning before they go out into the community they have a prayer meeting for about 1 hour and one person does a small Bible study to encourage the group - just being in that meeting is a HUGE encouragement - they are such inspirational women.

I met up with a girl called Nicci this week she is married to Gareth who is one of the Elders in the church (he became an elder yesterday.....amazing service will talk about that is a sec), I meet up with her once a week just to chat and if I need prayer for anything. She is really lovely and very easy to talk to. Its nice to have that support here.

On Friday I was invited to someones leaving party - which was funny because I had only met the person a week before. However it was so nice to be invited because it meant I didn't have an evening sitting on my own and I got to hang out with everyone and get to know people better.

Yesterday was a great day - in the morning they were praying in 3 new Elders which was so great to be able to see. The service was great - the worship was so fun and really really lively! There were loads of people because Dihlabeng had invited other Elders from the NF churches in the region to come, they also had a lot of visitors. So there were people from Cape Town, Durban, Lesotho and other areas of SA, England - Buxton, Swindon and Newcastle, I think Ireland to and I am probably missing some out as well. It was sooooo multi cultral which was just amazing. Mark and Outi had come to Clarens for the weekend so I had lunch with them which was lovely - I got to try my first ever SA nice!
Then in the evening we had 'Mobilise' meeting and once again for the second week running there was no talk just worship and it was amazing!

I didn't get to do my talk at youth because youth was cancelled but I will be doing it in 2 weeks time - just before I leave SA. So I will let you know how that goes its going to be interesting because of the whole cultral differences so I hope it goes well.

I think thats it really -

Life is good and God is Great!

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