Sunday 26 July 2009


I figured out on Friday whilst I was on a train up to London that I really like train journeys. I love the fact that you get time to just sit and do nothing. I had to take this trip to London and I had to take the train but the great thing about that is I had this free 3hrs to listen to music and do sudoku (which by the way is something that I have only recently got into and I love it! sad I know).

So anyway moving on to something else.....its Newday on Saturday and I can't wait! I love this week every year and I always get something out of it even though its aimed at 12-19 year olds. Its just such a great time to spend with God and friends. I will posting an update on how it went when I get back!

Also I have this Hen day on Saturday which is a watersports event and for someone who is acciedent prone and never done any water sports in her life its going to be very but interesting. I will however be looking forward to the train journey from Southampton to Norwich (Newday) on Saturday afternoon.....all that free time what will I do with it?

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