Tuesday 24 November 2009


So we are in Sydney and its so nice to be here! The last week in India was actually slightly hard, me and Lu both just wanted to be in Sydney. I am so glad that I went to see the culture there and I really enjoyed the tour around Kerela but after 2 weeks I was finding Indian life hard. I guess the culture is so different - for example you are constantly pestered by people wanted to sell you things, take you places. Even doing simple things like eating an apple or brushing your teeth are harder there (you can't wash your teeth with tap water). I do however feel like I have achieved a lot by going - I was completely worried about going to India before I left England but God really protected me and kept me calm throughout the whole trip - I wasn't ill!! how amazing is that, I didn't get stressed - which is incredible for me because I used to get tense walking around London! (I must admit on the last few days of the trip a bit of stress came out of me because I didn't really want to be there anymore). I did learn once again that with God you can do anything - and I have achieved a lot by staying in a country that is so far out of my comfort zone and for that I am glad I went.

So what did we do for are last week in India......well we went to Goa, which to be honest wasn't as amazing as I hoped it would be. We went to one beach town which wasn't very nice (in a space of half an hour walking from one place to another we were offered drugs by 4 different men), we did however stay in a nice hotel - cheap, had a swimming pool and nice service so that was good. We then decided to go back to the city and forked out a bit more money and stay in a luxury hotel for 2 nights, Panjim is quite a nice city and this is where we spent most of our week. On Sunday we went to the NF church in Panjim - it was great! They welcomed us in and I felt so refreshed afterwards.

Had such a long journey to get from Goa to Sydney (4 hour wait in Goa airport, 1 hour flight from Goa to Mumbai, 5 hour wait in Mumbai, 5 hour flight from Mumbai to Singapore, 2 hour wait in Singapore and a 7 hour flight to Sydney) but once we got here it was worth it - Lucy's aunty was waiting for us with ballons - how lovely. We are staying at Lucy's uncle's with his wife and Lucy's aunty and her husband. The small things here are making me happy like eating salad (you can't in India incase they wash it with tap water), having toast that doesn't taste sweet, having a hot shower (a lot of our hotels had cold showers), seeing roads like the ones in England and getting my clothes washed in a washing machine!!!

We are heading out today to the city to do some sight seeing which will be fun. I think thats all to say for now.

Lucy says Hi!

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