Friday 27 April 2007


Well I thought for this post instead of boring you with whats been going on in my week (which has been pretty average) I would steal an idea from what Becky.f does in her blog and talk about photographs/photographers that I like and that have also inspired me as a photographer (thanks becky).

Well one of the first photographers I really heard about and was struck by was Diane Arbus, she is a portrait photographer, but is very well known for photographing quite striking people. I remember seeing her work for the first time and being drawn in.
Another photographer that I like is Gregory Crewdson, I find his use of lighting fasinating and the way he constructs his images really captures the viewers eyes, he shoots his photographs as if he is photographing film sets. I just remember seeing his work for the first time in London and spending ages looking at the very large prints.

One other photographer I want to mention is one that I haved loved looking at ever since 1st yr of college which is portrait photographer Anton Corbijn, I cannot tell you what it is about his work that I like because I dont know! but here are a few of his images anyway!

Ok well thats it I guess, I am scanning my negatives onto the comp in the next few weeks so hopefully I will have some of my own images on here soon!

Anyhoo i'm gonna go to bed now

Night allXXXX


Becky Fox said...

What... you mean you stole MY idea!... how dare you! ha ha! Only Kiddin! I very much enjoyed looking at those photos... particularly the ones by Anton Corbijn, especially the first one of his you put up.

You make me feel so shallow now... i don't really think greatly about the pictures i put up on mine, and they're not even my favourites, they are just ones i've come across that day or something, maybe i should actually put up things that i truely love... hmm.. good plan, ha ha!

Anyway, you have just stopped me from writing the post i planned to write next, can't explain why, but there we go.

Ooo.. i'm writing randomness today... think it's that 'after-fit' effect. Right, i am gonna shut-up.

ciao for now lovely,

from miss fox x x x x x x x x x x

Yegritos said...

Muy interesante