Saturday 7 April 2007

My Song!

'Nobody does it better, Nobody does it half as good, Baby your the best'

Ok so last summer me and a few girls were sitting watching bridget jones 2 when this song came on and Kirsty started singing this song at me! I was a little confused and didn't understand why she was pointing at me but then found out that for quite a few years this was her song for me which she has sang everytime I did my silly Maddy things and what is hilarious is that she thought I knew about it, but I just thought she liked that song! HA HA HA! an example of my silly ways. I was quite proud of this, I have my own song which I love.

So this afternoon I have been thinking about what my silly ways are and some of most classic moments, which I have now have made a new name for which is Maddy Madness or Maddie's Mad Moments (any other suggestions welcome). Here are some of the things I can remember:

One is I have an incredible ability to trip up in most places, the most memerable moment of tripping was in New York outside madison square gardens I was carrying about 10 bags and I literally tripped and fell in a second it wasn't even one of those running trips where you try and not fall, anyway I fell flat on my face in a sort of star shape still holding all my bags, all my friend could do was stand there in shock mouth wide open whilst this new yorker ran up to me shouting 'oh my god, oh my god, are you ok' (when reading this read that quote in a new yorker accent it sounds funnier) I got up so fast bright red and laughed all the way home! with a quite painful knee.

A few other things are, I often dont tend to look where i'm going which means I often bump into people, I constantly get my words mixed up so end up saying such stupid things, and in my house at uni I have now officially become 'The clumsy one' because I have broken A LOT of plates, glasses and mugs, fell up our stairs many many times and have been the only one to start a small fire.

So yeah Nobody does do it quite as good as I do, but I dont mind cause if I didn't then I wouldn't be Maddy! so if any of you have your own funny ways do share! or if you remember any classic maddie madness do share I like laughing at myself! ha ha ha!

Anyhoo gonna go eat some chocolate now! as it is easter! XXXX


Liz Zelie said...

Hey Madz! I am trying to be better about posting. I trip to and I remember a few times tripping back and forth around Worthing with you (once while we were discussing penetrating leadership, as it were). My city has cute cobblestone roads but they are very uneven and I tripped twice on Saturday. Quite embarrasing. Every time I remember how I tripped walking to the boys flat right after they moved in and Joe said "stop being such a lazy walker and pick up your feet!" I was really annoyed. Funny how you remember those things. I hope Joe doesn't read your blog.

Much love to you, girlie!

Nicola said...

maddy! thing is, nobody DOES do it better. you are a classic, you wouldnt be you without your maddy moments! ive noticed of late how much better you have got at laughing at yourself too which in my opinion is a good thing haha. what would we do without maddy?
i cant really think of any example right now, apart from walking into the man at coombes farm and tripping into the truck thing on the tractor.haha. love you xxx

deb said...

Maddy maddy maddy! You are the only Maddy I know
With out you around I would be ever so ever so low!
Maddy maddy maddy a beautiful girl it must be said
If you were not my friend... I may as well be dead!(yeah, not quite true but it rhymes and makes you sound really special)
Maddy maddy maddy, nobody does it better
Maddy maddy maddy, you'll never ever forget'er!

Yeah, I wrote you a poem and you were complaining at me for not listening to luke's jibbering about phones the whole time... you feel bad now! Don't though, coz I forgive you!


P.S. I'm in a strange mood!

Unknown said...

Maddy write another post woman. Thanks for the lovely comment on mine. You're such a good friend to me. Missing you.