Thursday 19 April 2007

Officially an Adult!!!!!

Wow! I haven't posted in 2 weeks! I dunno how that happened just been busy I guess. Well my week has been good, turned 21 last friday which was really cool, I am now officially an adult, It is also scary because I remember quite clearly turning 13 and thinking how old 21 is! and now I'm 21. I had a really good day though, got my haircut in the morning, then spent some time with my parents, then went for a lovely picnic on the beach with rach, krust and pic. Then in the eve had a few of the girlies round (pic, krust, gem, debs and ellie) which was really lovely we sat out in my back garden chatting for ages and ate lots and lots then at bout 10pm we decided to go to the beach so we grabbed a flask of tea, some blankets and my mum grabbed a load of her jumpers and made sure we were all warm enough before we left! lol! I love her! and headed down to the beach. I tell you now I haven't laughed so much in ages, we all just went a little mad.

Then on Sunday I went back to uni, I love my housemates when I got in there was a pile of prezzies and banners up. I was thinking the other day that I have just finished my final ever student holiday, because I am not doing a masters, no way! ha ha ha! I am really glad yet quite sad that in 8 weeks I will have finished education forever!!!!!!!!! Its a really weird feeling because as much as I want these 8 weeks to be over and done with I also dont want to wish it away because once its done its done!!!!

Its hard though because all I can think of at the moment is september! For ages all I have wanted to do is give a year for God and its finally happening and I cant wait, so its hard to enjoy these 8 weeks when all I can think of is sept. But I know God is going to bless me even more so in these next 8 weeks than what he already has.

Something else I have been thinking about is how much I have changed, its weird I didn't think I had changed much whilst at uni but over Easter I learnt that was not true! I guess sometimes you need people to point things out, I am so thankful for what God has done in me, and the person he is making me to be, I cant wait for what he is going to do in me next year!

Right well this was a pretty boring post I do apologise! but there we go!

bye for nowXXX

p.s some more silly things that uni has taught me

1. My parents seem smarter than what they used be!
2. My mum's meals is something I look forward to!
3. Getting mail is so exciting!
4. Being spontanious is a must at uni!

1 comment:

deb said...

Miss you already! x