Sunday 27 December 2009

Level ground

Wow I was just reading my last post and that was really bad - thats what happens when you write a post at 11 at night, wont do that again. So we have had a lovely week we went to Tauranga for Christmas which is a beautiful place - where we were staying was lovely it had a nice view of a lake and was just very relaxing. We spent most of are week chilling with books, video's, puzzels and food we also went to the beach. Christmas day was great - stockings, pancakes, beach, bbq, more present opening, film.....lovely, it was so weird though to be sitting on the beach on Christmas day. I did miss spending it with my family and doing traditional things like turky dinner and staying inside in the warm but I had such a great day and it was a great experience that I will remember.

It has been really nice to relax this week I am really surprised at how tireing travelling can be. Going from place to place everyday and constantly thinking about what next to do also not be in your own home where you feel relaxed it makes you very exhausted. Last week I just wanted to stop travelling I was so tired and actually really ready to go home but now I feel refreshed which is good because we are doing a bit more travelling round the north for 4 days. We are going to be camping and visiting 3 places - Lake Taupo, Waitomo caves and Hahei - The Coromandel. We wanted to see a few places up north and these places are meant to be must see's, I am looking forward to doing cave tubing in Waitomo. Then I'm in Auckland for a week then off to Boston.....time is going really fast I can't believe I am heading to my last place very soon...crazy.

I really feel like I want to share a very short verse that I read this week and I have really been encouraged by -

Psalm 26:13 -

'My feet stand on level ground'

You are probably wondering why I am writing about this verse but I was reminded this week by God, when I was feeling tired and for the first time in months worries started to crawl back into my mind (mainly about stupid things but also about getting a job when I get back, and what I am going to do after travelling - still don't know!!), that we as Christians are standing on level ground. We might feel like we haven't got the security in life - like money, job, future plans but that's not where are security is, is it? Are security is in God - we have level ground and safty because of God not what we possess on this earth. So just an encouragement for you that no matter how un-level your life/ground feels at the moment you are on level ground.

In Clarens I recieved a picture -

My life is like a puzzel - God knows the final result but I just need to trust in him and work with each piece at a time and it will all fit together in the end.

So I am trusting in God with my future because I know that he has it sorted and I know I am on Level ground.

Anyhoo I best be off......


Anonymous said...

Hey Mads, i'm still enjoying reading your updates.. and that was a very encouraging post too... The last part reminded me of something i read yesterday about the verse which says: "The heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps." (Proverbs 16.9) - i guess we often like to plan out the whole way ahead, but it seems like God often works in steps instead, and simply shows us each step as we need to know it... Anyway i'm confident He has good things in store for you and i'm encouraged by all He's been doing in and through you on your travels. And like you say, He has our futures sorted. Thinking of you and just wanted to send you lots of love and blessings, becky x

Anonymous said...

so where's this new post, eh?! xx