Saturday 14 July 2007

accident prone and clumsy! whats the difference?

So i've been thinking today what is the difference between accident prone and clumsy!? because I get called clumsy quite a lot and I agree with that however if there is no difference in these titles then I would prefer to be called accident prone it just sounds soooo much better than being clumsy. It was just a thought and if someone would like to explain to me what they think the difference is I would be very happy! Anyhoo moving on........

I have had a really good couple of weeks, a few weeks back I had been feeling far from God and a little low, and a bit fed up to be honest but some lovely friends prayed for me and I have just been feeling really flippin happy again!! This week has been particulary amazing as it was Mobilise, God just spoke to me about so many things, mainly about handing my burdens and worries to him. I have been worrying a lot more lately about so many things that are coming up like my degree results, finaces and things I am going to do next year as part of Impact which I worry I wont do very well. However God has just calmed me, I think that something I have always struggled with is worrying and anxiety but God has calmed that a lot this week.

Last night was pretty brilliant to, I got the giggles which I hadn't had in sometime either, laughing is amazing I love it!

anyhoo I best split like a banana and leave! (HA HA HA sorry just something some lovely lass said this week which I cant stop laughing about!)



Becky Fox said...

The way i personally would differentiate 'accident prone' and 'clumsy' is as follows:

Clumsy: You frequently have accidents and you are the one who causes them through your clumsy nature. e.g. you tie your shoelaces together by mistake and therefore fall over when you stand up.

Accident Prone: You frequently have accidents but you are not always the one who causes them -sometimes the accidents just happen to you. eg: the branch of a tree just happens to fall off and hit you in the face as you walk past it.

I'm sure you are just accident prone though, and not clumsy.


king ben said...


Unknown said...

that's a really good description, i'd say im definately the second one then... as it's NEVER my fault.

Anonymous said...

you haven't written a post about finishing uni, wasn't that the ultimate reason for starting this blog?!