Monday 7 May 2007

Prayer and Patience

I have been thinking recently quite a lot about how God has been working in me and changing me me over these past few years. When I think of the person I was a few years ago compared to the person I am today there is quite a big change. I used to be a very self-conscious person, it would get me really down and very paranoid about a lot of things, like what people are thinking and saying about me and also paranoid about how I acted. God has changed that over these past few years, don't get me wrong I am not saying that I am completely comfortable with who I am, because I still struggle with things but not at all like I used to. I am a lot more confident now, I understand that I have silly ways of speaking sometimes and silly things I often do but I dont get paranoid about them because whats the point in that, I laugh at them now which I would have never been able to do a few years back. I would have been embarrassed and beat myself up about them but God has changed my way of thinking which I am so thankful for.

I remember a few years back asking God all the time to help me to stop thinking the way I was, because I didn't want to feel sorry for myself anymore and I wanted to be less uptight and then I would get really upset because these feelings never changed but it is only now have I seen how much he has answered my prayers. I love God he is so amazing!

One major thing I have learnt is prayer and patience! I am such an impatient person but God has taught me over these past few years that I have to be more patient, he has taught me to understand that he has a time plan for everything. God listens to us and he also knows us inside out he knows what we need and when we need it and will bless us with what is best for us.

anyway I think I have gone on enough now.

Bye allxxx


deb said...

I flippin love you so much! It's weird that i don't know what you were like more than 2 years ago and you, me, but i do know that you're right about God. He is blatantly doing stuff in you and strengthening you and teaching you and making you a light for others to see. You encourage me so often and in such simple ways that can only be God working in you. I love the way you love people. I love the way you love me! I love you right back! I can't wait to see you this wkd. Can we have a girly night fri or sat with all the jublies? I wanna do creative stuff and sing songs and pray and tell stories and have a sleepover and make cakes and eat cholocate and popcorn. Can you make that happen?

Big squishy hug from Deb the pleb x

Becky Fox said...

Hey Maddy, I'm missing your posts... in fact, i'm missing you too... love becky xx